How to edit Blogger HTML template code

Blogger platform make available a different kind of ready-made templates for the blog. It's also possible to customize some parts of these templates by using the integrate settings panel. However, if you need a more strongly customization, there is the possibility to have access to the template code and make all the modify you want. Here will show a short explanation as "starting point" for all other posts regarding Blogger template customization.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before make any action remember to backup your template. This is very important since if you make some mistake in modify the template code you'll can restart from your backup copy. Enter in your Blogger administration panel, go to "Template" section and backup your current template code by pressing over the backup button on the top-right side of the panel.

Once you are sure to have the backup is possible to access the template edit window. Always in the Blogger "Template" section click on the "Edit HTML" button.

The following window will appear. Click on "Proceed" button

Now you have the window containing the template code 

Here you can make your modifies. Be very carefully since an incorrect modify can damage your template structure.

Just for general knowledge Blogger templates are based to HTML code but add some additional custom tags that allow to make the pages creation and widgets managements a little more "dynamic". If you what to have additional info regarding this topic you can check the Google support here. Every time you submit new modifies through the "Save template" button the "new" template code is parsed by Blogger engine and if your modify was incorrect an error message is showed telling you it will be no possible to save the modified code. In this case is very probably you incorrectly changed some of these tags. This is the reasons is very important to make a backup before make any modifies.


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